Part of our daily duty as Christians, according to Pope Francis, is to evangelize with joy. He teaches us that pastoral ministry helps us to nurture spirituality so we can fully respond to God’s love in our lives. We also have the duty to proclaim the Good News to everyone. We “should appear as people who wish to share their joy, who point to a horizon of beauty and who invite others to a delicious banquet.”

Following the wisdom of Pope Francis, our parishes embody every aspect of Jesus’ call to love one another, to evangelize, and to share our joy with others. Parishioners can share their joy with the parish and pastor by supporting the Catholic Sharing Appeal. With your support, your local parish can address its most important needs.

Last year, over $750,000 was returned to parishes to meet their most urgent needs. This year, the first 50% of your parish goal will benefit the Diocesan case for support. Every dollar after that will be returned to your parish for its greatest need, including every dollar raised over your parish’s goal.